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├── Turn Order
├── Attacking
│  ├── Hit Locations
│  ├── Ranged Attacks
│  └── Area of Effects
├── Defending
├── Maneuvers
├── Damage
│  └── Injury
└── Grappling

Combat Rules

Turn Order

Under normal conditions each party will choose a member amongst them to roll against Tactics in a quick contest with the other parties to determine turn order. If a side is considered a leaderless group then they roll at -2. Primal or thuggish combatants may use Survival or Streetwise respectively for their initiative.

If one managed to Totally Suprise a group of defenders, that is catch them off-guard when they are not expecting danger, the attackers go first in initiative and the defenders will be mentally stunned for 1d seconds. After this period has elapsed the defenders are still stunned but may roll against IQ to break free of it, the difficulty goes down by 1 each second after. Partial Suprise happens when you catch a group of wary defenders off-guard, similar to Total Suprise but without the 1d seconds of initial stun. Those with Combat Reflexes cannot be Totally Suprised in such situations they are Partially Suprised.


An attack is a skill check using a Combat Skill or an Attribute if none are available. The following are options one can take when they attack.

Hit Locations

You can choose an attack to target a location on the opponent, here's a table of them

LocationTo HitExtra EffectsCripple ThresholdRandom Roll
Right Leg-2[5]HP/26-7
Right Arm-2[5,6]HP/28
Left Arm-2[5,6]HP/212
Left Leg-2[5]HP/213-14
Armour Chinks-10/-8(torso/gaps)[12]
  1. if an attack missed by 1 it hits the torso instead
  2. can only be targeted by imp, pi and tbb attacks. Treat as a skull hit sans DR
  3. has a DR of 2, wounding modifier is $\times 4$. Any injury that inflicts shock forces a knockdown roll, -10 if its a major wound. tox damage is not affected by this.
  4. any injury that inflicts shock forces a knockdown roll, -5 if its a major wound. cor damage has a 1.5 $\times 4$ and blinds an eye if a major wound is inflicted and both if HP damage is inflicted.
  5. pi+, imp and tbb attacks have a wounding multiplier of $\times 1$. Damage beyond the cripple threshold is loss when the limb/extremity is crippled.
  6. if holding a shield, double the penalty to hit: -4 for shield arm, -8 for shield hand.
  7. males suffer double shock from cr damage, and get -5 to knockdown rolls. Otherwise, treat as a torso hit.
  8. When rolling randomly there is a 50/50 chance to hit left or right.
  9. cr and cor have a wounding multiplier of $\times 1.5$ and for cut the multiplier is $\times 2$.
  10. can only be targeted by imp, pi, cr and tbb attacks. imp and pi halve a wounding multiplier of $\times 3$, tbb a wounding multiplier of $\times 2$ and cr a wounding multiplier of $\times 1$. Any injury that inflicts shock forces a knockdown roll, -5 if its a major wound.
  11. if the damage is imp, pi, cr and tbb, roll 1d and on a 1 it hits the vitals.
  12. can only be targeted by imp, pi and tbb attacks, halve the DR of the opponent's armour. Large gaps in armour have a DR of zero.
  13. add another -2 to hit for attempts to disarm the weapon unless its you are doing it with a fencing weapon.

Ranged Attacks

Ranged Attacks get a modifier that is based on the range, speed and size of the target.

To get the range and speed modifier add the range (in yards) and speed (in yards per second) on this table. Note that speeds below 2 yards per second can be ignored.

Close0-5yd0$\dag$Melee combat range
Short6-20yd-3Can talk; pistol and muscle power range
Medium21-100yd-7Must shout; shotgun and SMG range
Long101-500yd-11Out of earshot; rifle range
Far501yd-15Hard to see; sniper range

$\dag$ Note if you are in Close Quarters Combat with an enemy you add weapon Bulk as a penalty. Then you add the target's size modifier to your attack.

You have the following options when preforming a ranged attack

every $\times$2+1

Area of Effects

A type of Ranged Attack where everyone in the effected area is effected. Active defenses can't be used against them but you can use a dive as a defense to move out of the way of the AoE. AoE damage dissipate by the distance from the origin of the attack. Divide the damage the AoE cause's by the distance the target is from the origin.

You attack by choosing a target to the centre (for spherical) or the axis (for conical attacks) is aimed at. If you miss or the target dodges the axis or centre veers off a distance equal to the margin of failure (for misses) or success (for dodges) in yards in a random direction. A spherical AoE can be aimed at the ground where the target is standing for a easier +4 to hit.


Roll under an active defense: dodge, parry, block to avoid an incoming attack, this roll is not effected by shock. You select a defense if you are attacked, you pick amongst the defenses you are allowed given the situation (which can be none).

The following are the options for a defense:

These options can modify a defense:


Maneuvers represent something that can be done in a round of combat, the following are the list of maneuvers you can do.

AimAny*StepAdd the Acc bonus of the ranged weapon to the next attack roll. If you aim for an additional second add +1, +2 if you aim more.
All Out Attack(Melee)None1/2 move forwardsee below
Determined+4 to hit
Double2 attacks with a ready weapon on the same target
LongIncrease reach by 1 yard (Swing attacks at -2 dmg or -1 per die), may end in crouch
Strong+2 to damage or +1 per damage die if greater
FeintFeint then Attack the target
All Out Attack(Ranged)None1/2 move forward+1 to hit
Determined+1 to hit
Supression FireUsing a weapon with a ROF of 5+ you can choose a 2 yard wide area in your weapon range (4 yard wide if ROF is 10+) to spray into shooting as many rounds your weapon ROF can allow. When anyone enters this area you attack them at a skill of 8+your rapid fire bonus
All Out DefenseAnyStep,1/2 move if dodgingsee below
Enhanced DefenseGet a +2 bonus to one type of active defense
Double DefenseUse two different active defenses for one attack
Committed Attack (Melee)AnyStep, 2 Steps at -2 to hit
Committed Attack (Melee)Any at -2, Cannot Parry with the weapon used to attack, Cannot RetreatStep, 2 Steps at -2 to hitsee below
Determined+2 to hit
Strong+1 to damage or +1 per 2 damage die if greater
Defensive Attack (Melee)Any at +1, parries with unbalanced weapons don't get this bonusStep-2 to damage or -1 per damage die if worse, unbalanced weapons can be used to attack and parry at once
EvaluateAnyStep+1$\dots$3 to attack the evaluated enemy on your next turn you can repeat this maneuver to get the higher bonus
FeintAnyStepMake a quick contest between you and your opponent's weapon skill and subtract the margin of victory to the opponent's dodge against your attack the next round. You can roll with your weapon skill using IQ and ST as well.
Move and AttackAny, Cannot parry with the same limb you attack withMoveAttack with at a -4 for melee weapons or at a -2 or Bulk (whichever is worse) for ranged weapons. Your effective skill cannot exceed 9 (slams do not have this limit). If attacking with a thrust weapon you can use your slam damage if its greater.
MoveAnyMoveMove around, you can vault over small obstacles (like tables) at a cost of a yard's movement. More complex movment options may require a roll of DX, Acrobatics or Jumping.
ConcentrateAny but using a defense requires a WILL-3 roll to keep concentrationStepConcentrate on a mental task, like spellcasting
ReadyAnyStepPrepare an item or do anything not covered by other maneuvers
WaitDependsNonePrepare an action to be done on some condition.
Do NothingNoneNoneYou do nothing. You won't fall unconscious due to low HP as well.


When you damage something and get a result from your damage die subtract this damage by the DR of the target at the hit location you are targeting (for large area injury like those dealt in a area of effect take the average of the target's DR). This difference is the damage that penetrates through the DR. If the weapon has an armour divisor (denoted with parenthesis) divide the DR by this number and then calculate penetrating damage. Next you multiply the penetrating damage by the Wounding Modifier (round down) of the damage type to determine how much injury the target takes.

Damage TypeModifierExtra Effects
Crushing(cr)$\times$1Has no minimum damage
Cutting(cut)$\times$1.5Against armour if the damage is less than twice the armour's DR it becomes cr instead
Small Piercing(pi-)$\times$0.5
Large Piercing(pi+)$\times$1.5
Huge Piercing(pi++)$\times$2
Burning(burn)$\times$1Burning damage from heat can light fires
Corrosive(cor)$\times$1For every 5 damage done this reduces the target's DR by one
Fatigue(fat)$\times$1Decreases FP rather than HP

Attacks absorbed by flexible armour is still subject to injury from blunt trauma. For every 10 damage of pi-$\dots$pi++, cut or imp or 5 damage of cr take one point of injury.


Taking any point of injury inflicts a point of shock up to max of 4. Shock gives the respective penalties to IQ and DX skills on your next turn (notably your dodge isn't effected by shock). Major Wounds are any injury that deals more than 1/2 your HP, all crippling injuries are Major Wounds. Major Wounds forces you to make a HT roll to avoid being knocked down. If you fail this roll you drop anything held in your hand, fall prone and become stunned. On a critical failure or failure with a margin of 5 or more you become unconscious rather than stunned.

The amount HP you currently at can effect you at 1/3_HP_ and below you are reeling halving your move and dodge. Below 0 HP you are at risk of collapse, at the start of your turn roll HT on a failure you fall unconscious. Every time you drop past a negative multiple of your HP you must roll HT, on a failure with a margin of 1-2 you become mortally wounded a margin greater than this means you die. If you reach -5$\times$HP you die instantly and if you reach -10$\times$HP your body is destroyed.

Upon becoming mortally wounded you fall unconscious. Then every thirty minutes roll HT to avoid death and you crit-succeed you miraculously heal the mortal wound. If you are under the care of a physician, every hour you and the physician roll HP and Physician respectively and take the better result. To stabilize a mortal wound someone must succeed a surgery roll (-2 if you are below -3$\times$HP,-4 if you are below -4$\times$HP and -2 for each repeat attempt).


Grappling requires its own page.